The services supporting the Wallingford Community Council website are scheduled to be upgraded today, Tuesday November 14. There may be brief periods of time today when the website will not respond.
Thanks for your patience!
The services supporting the Wallingford Community Council website are scheduled to be upgraded today, Tuesday November 14. There may be brief periods of time today when the website will not respond.
Thanks for your patience!
LOCATION of Public Hearing:
SIFF Cinema Uptown, Auditorium 3
511 Queen Anne Avenue North
Seattle, WA 98109
Growth without Oversight
Do you believe in responsible growth that is positive for your community’s quality of life?
Then make your voice heard with the City Council! The City’s proposal to amend the design review process takes away your influence concerning what gets built in your immediate neighborhood.
Currently, both the City and the Neighborhood Design Guidelines combine with a format that offers two public Design Review meetings to make growth fit within the context of your neighborhood. Without the check and balance of inclusive design review, growth can destroy neighborhoods. With it, the character and quality of the neighborhood is strengthened when adding housing and commercial spaces.
If you can attend the Hearing & make public comment, please do so! See below for more info on the proposes changes.
Get there early & bring a neighbor!
In addition to attending the hearing, please ask all Council Members to:
– Leave the Design Review process as is
– Enforce: Direct city employees and the Design Review Boards to enforce existing design guidelines
“Please leave the Design Process as is, and instead, direct the city to start enforcing design guidelines. Too many departures are being granted, too many setback requirements are being ignored, and too many loopholes are being exploited due to poor enforcement by the City.”
Please CALL City Council and tell them your thoughts: 206-684-8888
Please E-mail City Council:;;;;;;;;
Please submit your comments to Mayor Murray:
Your input DOES MATTER! Last year, due to comments and push-back from all over the city, the proposed changes were tabled until now.
Want to learn more?
The Seattle Neighborhood Coalition (SNC) will be discussing the proposed Design Review changes at their monthly meeting this Saturday, 9:00AM, 500 30th Ave S. (Leschi neighborhood of Central District).
Read more about the draft recommendations here:
Design Review Program Improvements, Seattle Department of Construction & Inspections (SDCI).
Draft Ordinance (PDF format).
Testing logo for use in WCC posts and pages.