Category Archives: Schools

Monthly Meeting – October 2024

Regarding: October Meeting on Ballot Prop 1 Transportation Levy featuring SDOT (plus Property Taxes, Zoning Changes, Lincoln Athletic Field, Waterway 20, etc.)

We have several important updates and events coming up that we want to share with you, including a upcoming live discussion on Ballot Proposition 1 Transportation Levy to “Move Seattle” with SDOT at our next WCC meeting on Thursday 10/17 at 7:00. See more details below. 

Our live meetings are valuable opportunities to engage with issues that will directly impact our neighborhood and city. Please mark your calendars and join us in shaping the future of Wallingford!

1.) This Week! Save the Date! October WCC Meeting (Thursday 10/17 at 7PM) 

Date: Thursday, October 17
Time: 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Location: Senior Center, Suite 140, Good Shepherd, 4649 Sunnyside Ave.
(Note: This event will not be live-streamed.)

Key Topic: Ballot Proposition 1 Transportation Levy to “Move Seattle”

Speakers from the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT), Meghan Shepard or Dan Anderson, will provide insights on the proposed $1.5 billion levy. They will cover planned improvements and what it means for your taxes. 

Seattle voters will decide on the biggest transportation levy in Seattle’s history, impacting property owners, renters and businesses. “Property owners would pay a rate of $.65 cents for every $1,000 of assessed value”. The owner of a median priced home assessed at $804,000 would pay an estimated $520 a year or about $230.00 more than they pay now through 2032. This levy is 75% larger than the previous levy passed in 2016.  

Why Attend?

  • Understand the specific transportation initiatives the levy supports.
  • Learn how much the levy will cost Seattle residents and businesses.

Key Actions

  • Register to Vote! Your vote is your voice! Be registered to vote and informed on upcoming ballot initiatives impacting our neighborhoods.
  • Voting Deadline: Ballots must be returned by Tuesday, November 5, by 8 PM. You can also vote in person on Election Day.

Additional Resources for Pre/Review

2.) Wallingford Transportation News

Wallingford Healthy Streets has transitioned from a temporary to a permanent fixture, expanding the route under SDOT’s “Safe Routes to Schools” program.

3.) 9/25 WCC Meeting Presentation (recap) with King County Tax Assessor, John Wilson. (Highlights in case you missed the September meeting.)

Take advantage of the most recent senior exemption program for tax relief to reduce your property taxes if your income was $84,000 or below in 2023 and you are at least 62 years of age. See details of applying for property tax relief at their website

Co-presenter, Jeff Darrow, Residential Division Director notes: Property tax revenue collected recently comes primarily from residential properties at about 80% of total revenue with only about 20% of total revenue coming from commercial properties. The drop in revenue from commercial properties was explained as the large numbers of commercial buildings sitting unoccupied.

4) Zoning Changes: HB 1110 “Middle Housing” Bill impacts for Seattle 

With the passage of  HB1110 “Middle Housing” bill in the 2023 legislative session, the City of Seattle is now required to allow at least 4 units on all residential lots, and at least 6 units on lots located within a quarter mile of a “major transit stop” or where at least two units are “affordable housing.”  These changes are anticipated to have a positive impact on property values, potentially leading to increased property tax assessments in accordance with the “highest and best use” principle.

It is important to note that legislators in Olympia are currently considering a proposal to raise the cap on property taxes to 3% and that the current 1% cap on annual property tax increases does not extend to levies that have been approved through a voter referendum.

More info and articles on HB1110

5) Update on Public Access to Waterway 20

When Waterway 20, adjacent to the harbor patrol docks and Gas Works Park, was unlawfully fenced off from public use by the harbor patrol more than a decade ago, the Wallingford Community Council (WCC) formally submitted an application to the state authorities to reinstate this neighborhood public access to Lake Union. 

The state’s Department of Natural Resources (DNR) determined that the site had been contaminated by hazardous toxins, partially as a result of materials stored on the site by the harbor patrol. Comprehensive studies conducted to assess contamination levels and effective remediation strategies are finally nearing completion and, although the DNR is prepared to engage in discussions on a timeline for reinstating public access, the city of Seattle is now expressing resistance to the reopening. 

Join the WCC Shoreline Committee to be actively involved in restoring public access to Lake Union and protecting our shoreline habitats.

6) Lincoln Athletic Field (Seattle Public Schools / Wallingford Park, Meridian Park, etc.) 

Seattle Public Schools (SPS) is seeking community feedback on the proposed site for a new athletic field to serve Lincoln High School and Hamilton Middle School. The need for this field has become urgent with the planned demolition of Memorial Stadium, where Lincoln’s football team practices and plays and long daily commutes for student athletes to practice on other fields. 

Funds for the Lincoln field are earmarked in the 2022 Building, Technology, Academics, and Athletics (BTA V) Capital Levy, supported by property taxes. SPS notes that it has “not made a final decision” on the location, and community engagement is critical as the project moves forward.

At a public meeting on September 19th, SPS focused on three possible locations: Wallingford Playfield, Meridian Park, and Queen Anne Bowl. Wallingford Playfield is a leading contender due to its proximity to both schools. Two potential field layouts at Wallingford Playfield were discussed, both requiring the relocation of the playground and possibly the wading pool. The proposed field would feature synthetic turf and LED lighting, but concerns remain about green space access, shared community use, mature tree removal, parking, and traffic.  

Another option being not presented at the meeting but being circulated in the community is restoring the practice field to its original location on the north side of the school, necessitating relocation of the current staff parking lot or lidding the lot with an elevated field. has recently summarized the issue in this article

Action Needed:

Help Shape the Future of Wallingford Playfield: Join the Community Discussion

Seattle Public Schools (SPS) is considering Wallingford Playfield as a potential location for a new synthetic turf field to serve Lincoln High School and Hamilton International Middle School. The field would also accommodate local youth sports clubs and community events.SPS is seeking community feedback and invites residents to a meeting on Thursday, September 19, from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. at Lincoln High School, with a virtual option available. Community input will help ensure the best outcome for both students and neighbors. More details are available here:

EVENT: Wallingford Community Meeting on Proposed Athletics Field
DATE: Thursday, September 19, 2024; 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
LOCATION: Lincoln High School, 4400 Interlake Avenue N, Seattle, WA 98103

Online via Teams (link to be posted September 18 at:

– Why Lincoln High School students need a field
– What options are being considered for field location
– Proposed changes to Lower Woodland #7 track
– Open Q&A session with attendees

Questions in advance? Use the Seattle Public Schools’ “Let’s Talk” online feedback form. 

Webinar with Seattle Public Schools, Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Time: 7:00 – 8:00 PM
Location: Zoom videoconference

We are excited to once again host a virtual monthly meeting!

Please join Sherri Kokx, Senior Advisor to the Superintendent, and Carri Campbell, Chief of Public Affairs, of Seattle Public Schools for a virtual town hall meeting on school this fall during the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Get an update on what parents and caregivers can expect (from Elementary School to Middle School and High School), and how plans to open school remotely will impact families and will be equitable and inclusive.
  • Share your concerns and questions in advance by email at Questions will be asked by our moderators. We will also be taking questions from attendees during the Q & A portion of the meeting.

To attend, you must register in advance for this webinar. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with the information necessary to join the webinar. Registration is presently limited to 100 participants. The webinar will be recorded.

The webinar will be held using the Zoom videoconferencing service. The Zoom service is available as an application for computers, as an app for iPhones or Android phones, or can be joined in many browsers. Configure your device beforehand to ensure your participation is working properly.

City Council Poised to Gut Environmental Reviews, Monday October 7

On Monday October 7 at 2 PM, the City Council is rushing to take a final vote on CB 119600. This legislation will substantially weaken requirements for the environmental review of projects and policies under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA).

In the opinion of the Seattle Times Editorial Board:

“Don’t be fooled by [the] greenwashing. It does the environment no favors to weaken the State Environmental Policy Act… This will mostly benefit real estate investors trying to further cash in on the Amazon boom.”

“Seattle’s environmental community should also urge the council to reject this faux-environmental policy. They must resist the siren song of developer-friendly think tanks, telling tales of how the earth will be saved by bulldozing houses, cutting trees and replacing them with big apartments.”

“This [legislation] is about weakening policy written to protect the environment and quality of life for everyone. It reduces costs for the few who profit off land speculation.”

We urge you to contact all City Councilmembers with your concerns about CB 119600, and ask them to delay this legislation for consideration by the newly-elected Council next year. (Contact information is below.) You can further express your concerns by testifying at the City Council meeting on Monday October 7 at 2 PM in Council Chambers at Seattle City Hall.

There is no reason for the City Council to rush. Under state law, the City has until April 2021 to consider and adopt more reasonable and more environmentally friendly provisions. When our big issues are climate change, equity, and human health, the SEPA process should be strengthened, not weakened.

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Public Hearing on the MHA “Grand Bargain”, Thursday February 21

Express Your Concerns to the City Council

Please attend the only Public Hearing for the Mandatory Housing Affordability (MHA) legislation on Thursday February 21, 5:30 PM at Seattle City Hall in Council Chambers. Come early to sign up to testify. Arrive by 4:30 PM to secure an earlier speaking time.

Tell our City Councilmembers to VOTE NO on the MHA Legislation:
Despite input from neighborhoods all over Seattle, the MHA legislation has remained pretty much the same since it was first proposed. The City’s propaganda paints a story that the MHA Legislation is the only way to increase affordable housing in Seattle. What the city does not tell you is that it displaces as much as it replaces, that it does not work to grow the city in a way that simultaneously grows livability and quality of life, and that the fee-in-lieu payments are ridiculously low.

Also, while the “consent package” of amendments being considered for the legislation includes an intention, there is no adequate “claw-back” provision to revert the zoning back to present definitions should the City be sued and the mandatory part of MHA be found to be unlawful (leaving the up-zones in effect, increasing rents and property taxes, without any affordable housing units!).

Come support your neighborhood, your city, and the testimony of your neighbors. Everyone should attend to show the Council the serious commitment of our opposition to MHA at the Public Hearing.

(Childcare will be provided. Please RSVP to Noah An at At the hearing, check in at the sign-in table.)

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