Category Archives: Quality of Life

Monthly Meeting, Wednesday February 5

Wallingford Community Council "Kite Hill" logo

Time: 7 PM.
Location: Room 202 of the Good Shepherd Center, 4659 Sunnyside Ave N.


  • Welcome and Call to Order.
  • Summary of the Wallingford Community Council (WCC) Board Retreat by President Jennifer Ring-Perez.
  • Update on the Northlake Tiny House Village by Ted Hunter.
  • Liaison with City Councilmembers by Vice President Glenn Singer.
  • Update on the Dunn Lumber HQ Expansion project by Greg Hill.
  • Update on public use agreements for Waterway 20 on Lake Union by Ted Hunter.
  • Upcoming Member Survey by President Jennifer Ring-Perez.
  • Announcements
  • Good of the Order. (Anything people want to bring up.)

Northlake Tiny House Village, Donation Drive & Reprieve

Update: Reprieve for Residents of the Northlake Tiny House Village

Residents of the Northlake Tiny House Village received great news on Thursday December 5 when City of Seattle officials announced they would reverse the deadline to vacate that was set for Monday December 9. The Northlake village will be allowed to remain open until at least the end of March 2020 (as planned). Read the Seattle Times story published December 5.

Donation Drive

Thank you to all who have donated! The residents of the Northlake Village are still in need of specifics items for weathering the cold – coats, gloves, hand warmers and socks – as well as canned food and paper towels. We invite you to bring your donated items to the Northlake village directly (you can leave the items at the locked gates). If you have any questions, please contact


In March 2018, the Wallingford Community Council (WCC) warmly welcomed the new residents of the Northlake Tiny House Village for a two-year stay. WCC members placed a welcome sign at the village (which remains) and helped prepare the site for the residents. Since, members have visited often to serve meals and volunteer and helped to lay gravel for much-needed walking paths. Several Northlake village residents have also participated in the monthly WCC meetings throughout their stay.

Since its opening, we have not experienced any problems with Northlake village residents, contrary to some news reports and rumors. We have fully expected the village to remain through the two-year stay as planned when it first opened in Wallingford, and we have no objection to it staying open through its term. We express no opinion on the conflict between Nickelsville, LIHI and the Human Services Department.

We are deeply committed to helping current and future Northlake village residents, as well as the people and organizations that are supporting those experiencing homelessness in this city and region.

Monthly Meeting, Wednesday December 4

Wallingford Community Council "Kite Hill" logo

Time: 7 PM.
Location: Room 202 of the Good Shepherd Center, 4659 Sunnyside Ave N.


  • Welcome and Call to Order.
  • Dunn Lumber HQ Expansion. Presentation and Q&A on the proposed project.
  • Public use of Waterway 20 on Lake Union. City of Seattle presentation and Q&A with Nancy Stachey, Manager of Property Management, and Mike Ashbrook, Division Director of the Department of Finance and Administrative Services.
  • Alex Pedersen, new Seattle City Councilmember for District 4. Welcome and Q&A.
  • Announcements
    • The Wallingford Community Council (WCC) Monthly Meeting on Wednesday January 1, 2020 is cancelled. Happy Holidays!
    • See you Wednesday February 5, 2020 at 7 PM for the next WCC Monthly Meeting! Have a topic you want covered? Contact us.
  • Good of the Order. (Anything people want to bring up.)

Seattle Marathon, Sunday December 1

The Seattle Marathon is coming through Wallingford on Sunday December 1. About 7,000 runners and walkers are expected along the course near Wallingford from about 7:30 AM – 1:00 PM, with most participants passing through between 8:00 AM – 11:00 AM. Traffic control officers will be stationed at all major intersections to allow traffic to pass safely during gaps in runners. Roads will be completely open as normal by 2:30 PM or after the last participant has passed (whichever is sooner).

The route includes the Burke-Gilman Trial (through Wallingford and around Fred Meyer in Ballard) and Aurora Ave (SR-99). See Traffic Impacts and the Route Map for more details.

Landmarks Preservation Board, Wednesday December 4

The City of Seattle Landmarks Preservation Board will consider the nomination of the Stoneway Electric (Golden Rule Dairy) building, 3665 Stone Way N, at its meeting on Wednesday December 4 at 3:30 PM in Seattle City Hall, 600 4th Ave, Room L2-80 “Boards & Commissions”. See the Public Notice and the Landmark Nomination (62 MB) for further details.

The public is invited to attend the meeting and make comments. Written comments should be received by the Landmarks Preservation Board by December 3, 2019, 3:00 PM. See the Landmarks website or mail to:
Seattle Landmarks Preservation Board
Dept. of Neighborhoods
PO Box 94649
Seattle, WA 98124-4649

Structural engineer Melvin O. Sylliiaasen designed the Modern-style industrial building as a dairy processing facility. It was built in 1945-46. The nomination includes a history of the building, the lower Wallingford area, and dairies in Seattle, and an appendix with many historic images.