Category Archives: Parking

Green Lake & Wallingford Paving Project, July 21, 24, & 28

The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) is planning major lane configuration changes when paving N/NE 40th Street, N/NE 50th Street, Green Lake Way N, E Green Lake Way N, E Green Lake Drive N, and Green Lake Drive N in 2019. This would provide new Protected Bicycle Lane facilities.

The Green Lake and Wallingford Paving & Multi-Modal Improvements project team is holding meetings for the public to learn more about the project and to provide feedback. Kids’ activities and light refreshments are provided:

Saturday July 21 from 12:00 – 2:00 PM
Good Shepherd Center, 4649 Sunnyside Ave N, Lower Level

Tuesday July 24 from 5:00 – 7:00 PM
Saturday July 28 from 12:00 – 2:00 PM
Green Lake Library, 7364 E Green Lake Dr N

Concerns for residents, small businesses, cyclists, and pedestrians are:

  • Removal of all street parking on N/NE 40th Street from Wallingford Ave N to 7th Ave NE.
  • Removal of one side of street parking on N/NE 40th Street from Stone Way N to Wallingford Ave N, on Stone Way N from N 45th Street to N 50th Street, and on Green Lake Way N from N 50th Street to N 52nd Street.
  • Safe transtition of bicycle traffic from a two-way Protected Bicycle Lane to two one-way Protected Bicycle Lanes at Green Lake Way N and N 52nd Street.
  • More cut-through traffic on residential streets due to congestion from new signals at Green Lake Way N and W Green Lake Way N (Pitch &  Putt), and at Green Lake Way N and N 52nd Street.
  • No traffic improvements to the low-performance intersection of Stone Way N, N 50th Street, and Green Lake Way N.
  • Lulling casual cyclists into false sense of safety with an uphill Protected Bicycle Lane on N/NE 40th Street which transforms into high-speed sharrows in traffic on the downhill sections.

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Wallingford Community Council "Kite Hill" logo

Monthly & General Membership Meeting, Wednesday June 6

Monthly Meeting
Followed by General Membership Meeting
Wednesday June 6, 7 PM

Location: Room 202 of the Good Shepherd Center, 4659 Sunnyside Ave N.

Monthly Meeting Agenda:
7:00 PM – Welcome / Call to Order.
Introduction of new Board of Directors.
Special Guests:

  • TreePAC: Advocacy for an effective tree ordinance. Meeting the City’s goal to increase the tree canopy to 30% includes protecting existing trees and Seattle’s urban forests.
  • Seattle Department of Transportation: Green Lake Area Paving & Safety Projects. Project briefing by Christa Dumpys on bicycle lane and parking changes for Stone Way N, Green Lake Way N, N 50th Street, and N 40th Street.

Committee reports.
Good of the Order (anything people want to bring up).

Adjourn Monthly Meeting.

General Membership Meeting:
~8:00 PM – Discussion of outreach, inclusion, and potential Bylaw changes. A vote by the Membership is necessary to amend the Bylaws.

9:00 PM – Adjourn General Meeting.

"Keep Seattle Livable" logo

Testify at the 2nd MHA Public Hearing, Monday March 12

Public Hearing Regarding Rezones to Implement Mandatory Housing Affordability (MHA) Requirements

The second of six Public Hearings. The first hearing focused on District 4. This hearing will focus on Districts 5 and 6. Wallingford is in both District 4 (City Councilmember Rob Johnson) and District 6 (City Councilmember Mike O’Brien).

Many parcels in Wallingford would change from Single-Family to Lowrise 1, Lowrise 2, or even Lowrise 3 zoning. Testify – Be heard & be seen to let the City Council know of your concerns!

Monday March 12, 2018, 6:00 PM
Northgate Community Center (Multi-Purpose Room)
10510 5th Ave NE.

For those who wish to testify, sign-up sheets will be available starting at 5:30 PM. Get in line early in case there is a crowd.

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"Keep Seattle Livable" logo

Be Heard at the MHA Public Hearing, Monday February 12

Public Hearing Regarding Rezones to Implement Mandatory Housing Affordability (MHA) Requirements

Many parcels in Wallingford would change from Single-Family to Lowrise 1, Lowrise 2, or even Lowrise 3 zoning. Be heard and be seen to let the City Council know of your concerns!

Monday February 12, 2018, 6:00 – 7:00 PM
Eckstein Middle School (Auditorium)
3003 NE 75th Street.

For those who wish to testify, sign-up sheets will be available starting at 5:30 PM. Get in line early in case there is a crowd.

MHA FEIS Preferred Alternative Map for Wallingford Urban VillageWe recommend you ask to:

  • Alter the Urban Village boundaries to spare 700 Single-Family homes from being upzoned to multi-family. The City’s affordable housing goal for our neighborhood is still met with those altered Urban Village boundaries.
  • Prevent massive developments next to houses. Many of the up-zones change building heights from three stories up to five stories!
  • Require setbacks and step-downs to preserve yards, trees, and daylight.
  • Require on-site parking.
  • Require affordable housing units to be built on-site.
  • Require true family housing in all zone definitions. Add density limits back to the zone definitions so that two-, three-, and four-bedroom units are built throughout the neighborhood.
  • Increase mixed-income housing development in Wallingford.
  • Protect our local small businesses. Require affordable leases in new buildings.
  • Require the City to track displacement of low- and middle-income residents, and small businesses.
  • Impose Impact Fees now to fund schools, parks, roads, and public safety!

The hearing will focus on changes affecting District 4:
Eastlake, Fremont, Greenlake, Roosevelt, U-District, and Wallingford Urban Villages;
Bryant, Laurelhurst, Ravenna, Sand Point, View Ridge, Wedgewood, and Windermere neighborhoods.

Public Notice:
City Calendar:

MHA FEIS Preferred Alternative Map for Wallingford Urban Village

Citywide Open House on MHA, Tuesday January 30

Come to the Citywide Open House featuring District 4 Mandatory Housing Affordability (MHA) Maps.
See how the city proposes to upzone Wallingford. Join your neighbors to help us all Keep Seattle Livable!

Tuesday January 30, 6:00 – 8:00 PM. Come anytime during the evening for the informal walk-around presentation.
Hamilton International Middle School, 1610 North 41st Street.

The Seattle City Council invites you to “Come and review maps of proposed MHA zoning changes to your Urban Village”. District 4 includes the Eastlake, Fremont, Greenlake, Roosevelt, U-District, and Wallingford Urban Villages.

MHA FEIS Preferred Alternative Map for Wallingford Urban VillageCome see if your block is getting rezoned – how high and how wide. Many parcels in Wallingford would change from Single-Family to Lowrise 1, Lowrise 2, or even Lowrise 3 zoning! Let the city know again of your concerns.

Keep Seattle Livable!  Here are the basics that we recommend you ask for:

  • Alter the Urban Village boundaries to spare 700 Single-Family homes from the wrecking ball. Even without them in the Urban Village, Wallingford still meets the City’s affordable housing goal for our neighborhood.
  • Prevent massive developments next to houses. Many of the upzones change building heights from three stories up to six stories! You can check this site if you are looking for quality painting services.
  • Require setbacks and step-downs in order to preserve yards, trees, and daylight.
  • Require on-site parking.
  • Require true family housing in all zone definitions. Add density limits back to the zone definitions so that two, three, and four bedroom units are built throughout the neighborhood.
  • Increase mixed-income housing development in Wallingford.
  • Require affordable housing units to be built on-site.
  • Protect our local small businesses. Require affordable leases in new buildings.
  • Require the City to track displacement of low- and middle-income residents, and small businesses.
  • Impose Impact Fees now to fund schools, parks, roads, and public safety!

While you are there – ask the City how the MHA “Grand Bargain” program helps to retain and grow middle-class housing in Wallingford.

Learn what the City is not telling you at the WCC MHA “Grand Bargain” page.
Read how the proposed zoning changes will affect you at The City reveals “Preferred Alternative” zoning changes for Wallingford (corrected from Draft Zoning Maps Released for Walllingford).
Note: While the focus of this meeting is on Urban Villages – any parcel that is currently zoned multi-family, inside or outside of an Urban Village, will be upzoned as well.

Tuesday January 30 at 6:00 PM. Bring your friends to see what the city is up to!