Category Archives: Parking

Design Review Board, Monday January 7, 6:30 PM

The Design Review Board for the Northeast District considers two neighborhood development projects in Room 202 of the Good Shepherd Center, 4659 Sunnyside Ave N.

  • 6:30 PM: 4106 Stone Way N (3032254). Early Design Guidance for a 5-story, 113-unit apartment building with retail. Parking for 80 vehicles proposed. Existing buildings to be demolished. Details and Design Proposal.
  • 8:00 PM: 3421 Woodland Park Ave N (3032609). Early Design Guidance for an 8-story, 123-unit apartment building and 5 live/work units. Parking for 9 vehicles is proposed. Existing buildings to be demolished. Details and Design Proposal.

The public may comment on the projects presented to the Design Review Board. Design Review considers multiple aspects of a building and site such as:

  • The overall appearance of the building.
  • How the proposed building relates to adjacent sites and the overall street frontage.
  • How the proposed building relates to unusual aspects of the site, like views or slopes.
  • Pedestrian and vehicular access to the site.
  • Quality of materials, open space, and landscaping.

For reference:
Upcoming Design Review calendar for development projects.
The Wallingford Neighborhood Design Guidelines.

Monthly Meeting, Wednesday November 7

Time: 7 PM.
Location: Room 202 of the Good Shepherd Center, 4659 Sunnyside Ave N.


  • Welcome / Call to Order.
  • K C Dietz and Amalia Walton from the Lake Washington Rowing Club on maintaining public access to Lake Union at Waterway 23.
  • Eliza Ives and Jacob Orenberg from Seattle City Light on the “Public Direct Current (DC) Fast Charging Electric Vehicle” pilot program in the Gas Works Park area.
  • Darby Watson, Project Development Director, from the Seattle Department of Transportation will give an overview of recent design changes to the Green Lake and Wallingford Paving and Multi-Modal Improvement Project (which includes N/NE 40th Street).
  • The City Arborist will discuss plans for the trees along N/NE 40th Street (and answer questions).
  • Committee reports.
  • Announcements:
    • The next Monthly Meeting will be Wednesday December 5, 7 PM.
    • The play area in Wallingford Playfield will close on Tuesday November 6 for renovation and improvement, and is expected to open with new play equipment in early 2019.
    • The play areas at the North Transfer Station are closed through December 2018 for improvements to address Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. If you are disabled or know someone who is disabled, then contact experienced Fairhope disability attorneys to help you seek social security claim.
  • Good of the Order (anything people want to bring up).
  • Adjourn.
Wallingford Community Council "Kite Hill" logo

Defend Your Neighborhood; Support the MHA Appeal

Dear Neighbor,

Last year, the Wallingford Community Council (WCC) joined the Seattle Coalition for Affordability, Livability & Equity (SCALE) and in filing an Appeal of the MHA Final EIS. The City’s “Grand Bargain” fails at increasing affordable housing, accelerates displacement of residents, and does nothing for livability.

This city-wide volunteer coalition of community organizations has raised $200,000 to pay legal expenses, and has put in many hours doing research and preparation work to keep costs down.You can also find DWI lawyers to get legal help.

The Hearing Examiner’s ruling is expected in early November. As the end of the Appeal process nears, it is important to continue funding this effort. Please help SCALE raise an additional $20,000 to cover legal summary briefs and counter briefs for final arguments.

Please donate, and ask your friends to do the same!


By Check:
Seattle Fair Growth Appeal
2442 NW Market Street, Box 487
Seattle, WA 98107

(Pay to the Order of: “Seattle Fair Growth”; Memo: SCALE member group you support, or your neighborhood.)

Seattle Coalition for Affordability, Livability & Equity Accomplishments

Dedicated volunteers from 29 neighborhoods and organizations, working with a legal team of 2 paid and 6 volunteer attorneys, have:

  • Appealed the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the City’s proposed Mandatory Housing Affordability (MHA) ordinance, documenting MHA’s acceleration of displacement, contempt for neighborhood planning, devaluing of historic resources, and indifference to impacts on trees, open space, and land use.
  • Met weekly since November 2017.
  • Reviewed over 100,000 City documents.
  • Presented SCALE’s legal case during 18 full days of Hearings.
  • Engaged 6 Expert Witnesses.
  • Wrote an Opinion Editorial published by the Seattle Times.
  • Testified in multiple Seattle City Council meetings.
  • Strengthened community connections across Seattle.

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Wallingford Community Council "Kite Hill" logo

Monthly Meeting, Wednesday October 3

Time: 7 PM.
Location: Room 202 of the Good Shepherd Center, 4659 Sunnyside Ave N.


  • Welcome / Call to Order.
  • Now coming in November, due to an unexpected conflict: K C Dietz and Amalia Walton, Lake Washington Rowing Club, on maintaining public access to Lake Union at Waterway 23.
  • Ruth Harper, Seattle Department of Transportation, presents the results of the southeast Wallingford area Restricted Parking Zone (RPZ) study.
  • Update on the the Green Lake and Wallingford Paving project which includes N/NE 40th Street.
  • Public Review of a new building at 1624 N 45th Street replacing the burned-out Kitaro’s Restaurant.  (Under the City’s new Design Review process, this is the only opportunity for public comment.)
  • Committee reports.
  • Announcements:
  • Good of the Order (anything people want to bring up).
  • Adjourn.
Wallingford Community Council "Kite Hill" logo

Monthly Meeting, Wednesday September 5

Time: 7 PM
Location: Room 202 of the Good Shepherd Center, 4659 Sunnyside Ave N.


Welcome / Call to Order.

A Navigation Team Representative from the City will address safety concerns about illegal encampments, garbage, and hazardous waste (needles, human feces). What the police can do. What residents can do.

Phil Reichel of Save N40th will present on why they oppose the Seattle Department of Transportation plan to remove parking on N/NE 40th Street in order to add bicycle lanes.

Committee reports.


  • The next Monthly Meeting will be Wednesday October 3, 2018, 7 PM.
  • City Councilmember Rob Johnson has released a new Tree Ordinance that replaces tree protections in favor of tree removal and mitigation. The Coalition for a Stronger Tree Ordinance is meeting Saturday September 1, 11:15 AM to 1:15 PM at the Green Lake Public Library. The Planning, Land Use and Zoning Committee is holding a Public Hearing on Wednesday September 5, 9:30 AM in City Council Chambers.
  • Volunteers needed to help construct gravel walkways at the Nickelsville Northlake Tiny House Village on Saturday September 8 (see below).
  • Wallingford Historic Homes Fair on Saturday October 6 from 10 AM to 4 PM at the Good Shepherd Center.

Good of the Order (anything people want to bring up).


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