Category Archives: City Council

Wallingford Community Council "Kite Hill" logo

Monthly Meeting, Wednesday February 6

Time: 7 PM.
Location: Room 202 of the Good Shepherd Center, 4659 Sunnyside Ave N.


  • Welcome / Call to Order.
  • Special Guest: Jesseca Brand, from the City of Seattle, explains the City’s Racial & Social Justice Equity Lens. What it is and how the city uses it.
  • Committee reports.
  • Announcements:
    • The next Monthly Meeting will be Wednesday March 6, 7 PM.
    • Public Hearing on the Mandatory Housing Affordability legislation. Thursday February 21, 5:30 PM at Seattle City Hall. Please plan to attend and voice your concerns.
    • This year’s Annual Meeting will be Wednesday May 15.
    • Time to renew your Wallingford Community Council (WCC) membership! In 2017, the WCC moved to a calendar year membership. You can join at any time throughout the year. Please renew or join now!
  • Good of the Order (anything people want to bring up).
  • Adjourn.

Fixing the MHA Grand Bargain, Saturday January 12

The Seattle Coalition for Affordability, Livability, & Equity (SCALE) is hosting the following event. Please forward this invitation to friends and family who live in less active neighborhoods and who would be greatly impacted by MHA:

Please attend “Fixing the MHA Grand Bargain”

Dear Concerned Neighbor,

The Seattle City Council has an aggressive schedule to adopt the Mandatory Housing Affordability (MHA) legislation by the middle of March. They will discuss amendments to the MHA and to the Comprehensive Plan in January. The single Public Hearing will be held on Thursday February 21.

This will change our city forever! The Seattle Coalition for Affordability, Livability, & Equity (SCALE) remains concerned that MHA does not truly address affordability, destroys the livability of our homes, and provides no equity for non-wealthy residents. Unfortunately, the Appeal of the MHA Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) was not successful, except for requiring the City to more fully examine the impact on historic properties.

Now is the time to push City Council, especially your Councilmember, to make the MHA Grand Bargain the Right Bargain. SCALE is hosting an educational forum, “Fixing the MHA Grand Bargain” on Saturday January 12 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon at the Central Area Senior Center, 500 30th Ave S.

The agenda will cover:

  • The urgency for action now!
  • The MHA legislation schedule.
  • The results of the MHA EIS Appeal.
  • What was learned from evidence presented at the Appeal.
  • Amendments being proposed to correct deficiencies in the MHA legislation (for both citywide and neighborhood specific issues).
  • The action plan to get amendments into City Council for discussion and adoption.

An optional background session covering “What is MHA?” will be held at 9:00 AM before the main meeting.

There is no need to RSVP. Coffee and light snacks will be provided. The closest bus routes are 14 and 27. Questions? Contact SCALE at

Use your power to save our beloved neighborhoods and City. Please get involved and attend the forum!

The Ruling of the Hearing Examiner does not address the wisdom of the MHA legislation. Please see the editorial “A wake-up call for Seattle neighborhoods”, The Seattle Times editorial “Mayor must work with neighborhoods on Seattle’s growth and affordability plans”, and David Horsey’s cartoon “Shattering Seattle’s great neighborhoods”.

Wallingford Community Council "Kite Hill" logo

Monthly Meeting, Wednesday September 5

Time: 7 PM
Location: Room 202 of the Good Shepherd Center, 4659 Sunnyside Ave N.


Welcome / Call to Order.

A Navigation Team Representative from the City will address safety concerns about illegal encampments, garbage, and hazardous waste (needles, human feces). What the police can do. What residents can do.

Phil Reichel of Save N40th will present on why they oppose the Seattle Department of Transportation plan to remove parking on N/NE 40th Street in order to add bicycle lanes.

Committee reports.


  • The next Monthly Meeting will be Wednesday October 3, 2018, 7 PM.
  • City Councilmember Rob Johnson has released a new Tree Ordinance that replaces tree protections in favor of tree removal and mitigation. The Coalition for a Stronger Tree Ordinance is meeting Saturday September 1, 11:15 AM to 1:15 PM at the Green Lake Public Library. The Planning, Land Use and Zoning Committee is holding a Public Hearing on Wednesday September 5, 9:30 AM in City Council Chambers.
  • Volunteers needed to help construct gravel walkways at the Nickelsville Northlake Tiny House Village on Saturday September 8 (see below).
  • Wallingford Historic Homes Fair on Saturday October 6 from 10 AM to 4 PM at the Good Shepherd Center.

Good of the Order (anything people want to bring up).


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"Keep Seattle Livable" logo

Testify at the 2nd MHA Public Hearing, Monday March 12

Public Hearing Regarding Rezones to Implement Mandatory Housing Affordability (MHA) Requirements

The second of six Public Hearings. The first hearing focused on District 4. This hearing will focus on Districts 5 and 6. Wallingford is in both District 4 (City Councilmember Rob Johnson) and District 6 (City Councilmember Mike O’Brien).

Many parcels in Wallingford would change from Single-Family to Lowrise 1, Lowrise 2, or even Lowrise 3 zoning. Testify – Be heard & be seen to let the City Council know of your concerns!

Monday March 12, 2018, 6:00 PM
Northgate Community Center (Multi-Purpose Room)
10510 5th Ave NE.

For those who wish to testify, sign-up sheets will be available starting at 5:30 PM. Get in line early in case there is a crowd.

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