Author Archives: WCC Communications

Vince Lyons, 1943-2015

Vince Lyons

Vince Lyons

Long time Wallingford resident and neighborhood advocate Vince Lyons died on October 29th at the age of 72 from cancer. Obituaries can be found in the Seattle Times and theDaily Journal of Commerce.
Vince worked as an urban planner for 40 years. He was manager of the Design Review program for the Seattle Department of Construction and Land Use (DCLU), now the Department of Planning and Development (DPD), for 29 years.

Vince was an active member of the Wallingford Community Council and served as its President in 1988 and 1989. He was instrumental in turning Interlake School into Wallingford Center, and he provided the guiding vision for the Wallingford Steps pathway to Gas Works Park.
The memorial service is from 2:00 to 4:00 PM on Saturday November 14 at Wallingford United Methodist Church, 2115 N 42nd Street. Here are details from Greg Lyons, Vince’s son:

Hello All,
Greg here (Vince’s son)- writing from Vince’s account to ensure you know about his memorial service. It will be held a week from today, Saturday 11/14, 2pm-4pm at the Wallingford United Methodist Church. After the service we’ll have some food, coffee and soft drinks. Perhaps mosey to Murphy’s Pub on 45th Street after for whoever would like to do so.

Hope you can join us, please RSVP by reply e-mail [].  If you know someone else you want to forward to that should see this, please do so – I’ve surely missed MANY dear friends who’s e-mails weren’t saved in Dad’s g-mail contact list.

Feel free to bring a photo or item that reminds you of Vince to display on tales we’ll have set up – you can retrieve when you go.

Thank you,

North Transfer Station Agreements

One of the land use issues that the Wallingford Community Council is currently working on is the redesign of the North Transfer Station. Several members of the board have spent countless hours working on this issue, working with Seattle Public Utilities (SPU)  to work out an agreement that serves that needs of the City while providing the neighborhood amenities that keep Wallingford a great place to live. Read more on the agreement here:

After more review and hours of discussion, here are the current (1/25/12) documents about the transfer station:

Once again many thanks to those on the council who spent HUNDREDS of hours on this issue, and have negotiated agreements with SPU that will have a positive impact on the neighborhood!

WCC Annual Meeting Coming in MAY

ARE YOU WILLING? Your community is waiting!!

Annual meeting – call for WCC nominations!

Each May, Wallingford council membership determines by election of it’s members, those who will fill council member chair positions.

To vote one must be a member in good standing (annual dues paid) at least 15 days prior election date.

These one year of service volunteer seats, open to WCC members, are filled by nominations and election via membership vote.

Specific Chairs are:

Are you interested in serving?

Do you have a nomination?

How will you be involved?

Would you like to join the board for a particular project?

Stay tuned for detailed info about our May date.
We anticipate our Annual election meeting 
will take place around May 20, 2015

WCC to Consider Street Projects

Four grant proposals for Wallingford street improvement projects have been submitted to the City for consideration. The Wallingford Community Council will review the proposals at its monthly meeting on Wednesday, January 2nd at 7:00 PM at the Good Shepherd Center.  The WCC will be asked to make its recommendations and set priorities for further City review.

Everyone is welcome at the meeting. Come and let your voice be heard on these and other community issues.

WCC Hosts Community Meeting To Discuss Neighborhood Events

At its November, 2012 meeting, the Wallingford Community Council, neighbors and representatives from the Wallingford Neighborhood Association (WNA), Wallingford Community Senior Center, Family Works and the Wallingford Chamber of Commerce joined the WCC to discuss the closure of WNA and what it means to our community.

After more than a decade of service to the neighborhood, the WNA Board voted to dissolve last month. The organization, which sponsored local events such as the Kiddies Parade, the Home Tour, the Garden Tour, the neighborhood office, and produced the Wallingford E-news, has struggled with a lack of monetary and volunteer resources. Its events have relied solely on the efforts of volunteers –  who have grown increasingly scarce. The WNA Board found that it no longer had the manpower or the funds to keep the WNA office open and the events going. For more information about the WNA, its history and its closure, see

The parade and tours are widely appreciated throughout the neighborhood. They offer a venue at which neighbors can meet and enjoy neighborhood specific events. The office has provided countless neighborhood organizations with a place to meet and discuss community issues, and a staging area for neighborhood activities. The Chamber, Senior Center and WCC are considering ways to keep the office open and the events going, but sustainability is the key.  To do this, the organizations need 1) volunteers who are willing to work on the events, and 2) money to produce them and keep the office open.

If you are interested in getting further information or volunteering, please contact the following:

Maintaining the Neighborhood Office (Wallingford Community Council):
Home and Garden Tours (Wallingford Community Senior Center):
Kiddies Parade (Wallingford Chamber of Commerce):