Author Archives: WCC Communications

Monthly Meeting this Wednesday March 2

Wednesday March 2nd at 7:15 PM
Room 202 of the Good Shepherd Center, 4649 Sunnyside Avenue North
(see agenda at end of post)

Once a year the Wallingford Community Council has a membership campaign to add new members and renew existing members. WCC dues are affordable by nearly everyone. In order to vote at the Annual Meeting, you must be a paid member. Please help WCC represent the neighborhood by joining on the WCC Membership page. PayPal, credit cards, and checks accepted.

Each May, at the Annual Meeting, the WCC elects its officers. Our bylaws require that a nominating committee endeavor to nominate at least two qualified and consenting WCC members for each office. If you would like to nominate yourself or propose someone for a board position, please send the name, address, phone number, email address, and the name of the board position to Lee Raaen at before March 15th. The positions open for election this year are:

Vice President
Recording Secretary
Treasurer (a two year term)
Three (3) Board Members-At-Large

The President, Carl Slater, would like help with managing meeting places and organizing programs for the monthly General Meetings. Please contact him using our contact us page if you are interested.

7:15 Minutes (Kim England)
7:20 Treasurer’s report (Paul Willumson)
7:25 Lincoln High School report (Marilyn Cope & Carl Slater)
7:35 Shoreline & Waterways report (Lee Raaen)
7:45 University of Washington report (Brian O’Sullivan & Jon Berkedal)
7:50 Transportation report (Eric Fisk)
7:55 Parking report (Mary Fielder & Catherine Smith)
8:00 Communications report (Frank Fay)
8:05 Parks & Recreation report (Angelique Hockett)
8:10 Appoint Lee Raaen as alternate delegate to the Lake Union District Council
8:15 Membership Campaign (Carl Slater)
8:20 Planning report (Greg Hill)
8:30 WallHALA Urban Village report (Greg Flood, Donn Cave, & Donna Williams)
9:00 Adjourn

Reminder: HALA Focus Group applications due tomorrow (February 26)

The City is seeking applicants for community focus groups to help shape the Housing Affordability and Livability Agenda (HALA) recommendations for our communities. A key focus of the Community Focus Groups will be land use and zoning changes that could affect neighborhoods.

Visit for the application. Download the application, fill it out, and save it. Submit the application to by email.

Community representatives will be asked to attend about 8 meetings, read materials, and respond to emails between meetings. The total time commitment will be 5–10 hours per month. Most meetings will occur at City Hall in downtown outside of typical business hours. Understanding that community members may require assistance with parking and transportation in order to participate, the City will offer access to free parking and public transit for Community Focus Group members during meeting times. Downtown was selected as a central meeting location so that representatives from many neighborhoods would have access.

Monthly Meeting this Wednesday February 3

Wednesday February 3rd at 7:35 PM
Room 202 of the Good Shepherd Center, 4649 Sunnyside Avenue North

The Wallingford Community Council usually meets monthly on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:15 PM. This month’s meeting is delayed to allow members to attend the Backyard Cottage Community Meeting.

There will be a presentation by the Seattle Department of Utilities (SPU) concerning a major underground storm water diversion facility being built from Ballard, through Fremont, and ending in a vent shaft near the new Wallingford transfer station. There is little expected impact to Wallingford, as the soil extraction will happen in Ballard. One concern of the Wallingford community is the eventual use of SPU-owned land surrounding the vent. SPU will explain the project and answer questions.

Backyard Cottages Community Meeting

Wednesday, February 3rd, from 6:00 – 7:30 PM
Wallingford Community Senior Center (bottom level of the Good Shephard Center)

The City’s Description: “Expanding the construction of backyard cottages could provide thousands of new housing units throughout Seattle and give homeowners an opportunity to earn stable, extra income and remain in their homes. Join us, along with Council member Mike O’Brien, at two public meetings to discuss policy options that would encourage production of backyard cottages.”

The WCC is concerned about the proposed changes to the rules governing backyard cottages, and it encourages those interested in this topic to attend. The WCC General Meeting will begin after this meeting.

Follow Up on the January 20th Urban Village Meeting

The WCC hosted an informational meeting January 20th regarding the Seattle 2035 Comprehensive Plan and the Housing Affordability and Livability Agenda (HALA), and their potential impact on the Wallingford Residential Urban Village. Over 200 people attended, and more than 80 people signed-up to be part of a WCC committee on these issues. More have joined since by registering for ongoing WCC communications online on the mailing list registration page.

A complete record of this meeting has been posted in a video playlist on YouTube.

The next step is an organizational meeting to develop the WCC Urban Village effort. Stay tuned for further updates regarding the time and place for this meeting.

From the President:
The January 20th meeting was a great success in terms of attendance, community participation, and program. Thanks to all who attended! If you want to help and haven’t already signed up, please feel free to contact me or subscribe to our mailing list.

Carl Slater
President, Wallingford Community Council