Property Tax, Zoning & Levies with King County Tax Assessor on 9/25

Stay Engaged: Property Taxes, City Council Candidates, and Key Neighborhood News

We have several important updates and events coming up that we want to share with you, including a live discussion on property taxes with the King County Tax Assessor, a Seattle City Council candidate forum, and key information on the upcoming Transportation Levy.

These meetings are valuable opportunities to engage with issues that will directly impact our neighborhood and city. Please mark your calendars and join us in shaping the future of Wallingford!

1) NEXT WEEK: September WCC Meeting on Wed, 9/25 – Property Tax Impacts Discussion

  • Agenda: The WCC is hosting a live discussion on property taxes with King County Tax Assessor, John Wilson. Learn about how changes in state and city zoning, as well as new levies, might impact your property taxes. Ask questions and engage directly with King County.

2) SAVE THE DATE: “Seattle City Council Candidate Forum”  Tuesday, Sept. 24th with the Fremont Neighborhood Council.

  • Agenda: The Fremont Neighborhood Council President, Tim Kitchen, is inviting WCC members to their Candidate Forum.
  • Speakers: The Forum will host candidates Tanya Woo and Alexis Mercedes Rick who are running for the Seattle City Council at large position 8 on the November ballot. 
  • Actions: Compare and contrast our future city council members in person.
  • Meeting Info:
    • Tuesday, September 24 at the Fremont Doric Lodge 619 N. 36th at 7 pm. (No reservation is necessary.
    • The meeting will also be live-streamed on Fremont Neighborhood Council’s Facebook page.

3) SAVE THE DATE: Thursday, October 17th WCC Meeting – Transportation Levy Discussion 

  • In November, Seattle voters will decide on the biggest transportation levy in the city’s history, impacting property owners. Learn more about how this levy might affect your taxes and services.
    • Property owners would pay a rate of .65 cents for every 1,000 of assessed value.” This is the biggest levy ask of residents in the history of Seattle. The owner of a median-priced home assessed at $804,000 would pay an estimated $520.00 a year or about $230.00 more than they pay now through 2032. 
  • Meeting Info:
    •  Thursday, October 17 from 7-9 pm at the Senior Center Good Shepherd (4649 Sunnyside Ave N)
  • Reference Links:

4)  NEWS: The 20-year vision for Seattle, called the Comprehensive Plan (One Seattle Plan 2044) proposed by the Office of Planning and Development (OPCD), is scheduled for public comment. 

  • On October 16, 2024, The OPCD will release the online draft zoning maps reflecting zoning changes to formerly single-family properties city-wide. The maps will apply the zoning changes mandated by the state legislation (House Bill) HB1110. HB1110 increases the number of units allowed from the existing 3 units maximum to 4-6 units per lot depending on proximity ¼ mile from light rail, rapid ride, and major transit.
  • More information on HB1110 Middle Housing Bill Concepts:
  • October 16-November 20, 2024: Public engagement and comment period
  • December 2024: Release Final Environmental Impact Statement and transmit Mayor’s One Seattle Comprehensive Plan for Council consideration and adoption in 2025.
  • The City Council will consider the Mayor’s proposal in a Select Committee consisting of all nine city council members.
  • The following was released last spring for both the One Seattle Plan and the DRAFT Environmental Impact Study (DEIS)
  • The Wallingford Community Council will continue to provide information and references  to links online as the city releases the maps in October and the Final Environmental Impact Statement in December. 

5)  SAVE THE DATE: Follow up meeting in October with the Seattle Public Schools regarding the proposed siting of a practice field in Wallingford for area schools.

  • On Thursday, 9/19, there was an initial meeting at Lincoln High School to gather community input on the consideration of potentially modifying and using area parks as practice fields for Lincoln and Hamilton Schools. This was an active discussion on the suggestion for Wallingford Playfield as the option with the least amount of obstacles. Seattle Public Schools (SPS) will update their project pages with more information and replies to unanswered questions about this proposal and other potential options. 

  • – Seattle Public Schools (SPS) will hold a follow-up meeting to continue the conversations in October, 2024. (the WCC previously understood this event would be held on October 24th via their in-person meeting on 9/19, but we are so far unable to confirm this date with SPS).
    • – We will post more information about this meeting when available.

In the meantime, additional  concerns, opinions and other comments can be submitted via their online feedback form in advance of the October meeting.