The WCC hosted an informational meeting January 20th regarding the Seattle 2035 Comprehensive Plan and the Housing Affordability and Livability Agenda (HALA), and their potential impact on the Wallingford Residential Urban Village. Over 200 people attended, and more than 80 people signed-up to be part of a WCC committee on these issues. More have joined since by registering for ongoing WCC communications online on the mailing list registration page.
A complete record of this meeting has been posted in a video playlist on YouTube.
The next step is an organizational meeting to develop the WCC Urban Village effort. Stay tuned for further updates regarding the time and place for this meeting.
From the President:
The January 20th meeting was a great success in terms of attendance, community participation, and program. Thanks to all who attended! If you want to help and haven’t already signed up, please feel free to contact me or subscribe to our mailing list.
Carl Slater
President, Wallingford Community Council