Monthly Meeting on Wednesday December 7 at 7PM

Location: The Wallingford Community Senior Center in the Good Shepherd Center, 4659 Sunnyside Ave N. Note that this location is downstairs from our usual meeting place in Room 202.


Welcome / Call to Order
Approval of Minutes


  1. Wallingford Urban Village Workshop. We are waiting for a date from Rob Johnson’s office.
  2. Seattle Public Schools Community Budget Gap Meetings for families to provide feedback on budget priorities:
    • Ballard High School, Tuesday December 13, 6:30 to 8:00 PM.
    • South Shore PreK-8 School, Thursday December 15, 6:30 to 8:00 PM.
    • Franklin High School, Tuesday January 3, 6:30 to 8:00 PM.
  3. Yard Signs: Keep Seattle Livable; No HALA “Grand Bargain” Upzones.
  4. The WCC Board approved getting a third party review of the environmental report for Waterway #20.
  5. North Transfer Station: Official ribbon-cutting ceremony on Saturday December 10, 10:00 to 11:30 AM.
  6. Next Monthly Meeting: Wednesday January 4, 7 PM.

Good of the Order (anything people want to bring up)