Annual Meeting and Officer Elections – May 8th, 2024

Wednesday, May 8, 2024, 7:00 PM

In-Person at the Chapel of the Good Shepherd Center
4659 Sunnyside Ave N.

  • Member check-in at 6:30pm, in the Chapel, followed by Board elections.  Must attend in-person to vote.  (To vote for the 2024-2025 Board, one must be an official member as of April 23, 2024.)
  • 7:00pm: Welcome and Officer Elections
  • 7:15 – 8:00-ish pm: City Councilmember Tanya Woo, Position 8 – Citywide. Join us as we hear from CM Woo. Includes Q&A.
  • 8:00-ish pm: closing remarks by outgoing President, Miranda Berner
  • 8:30pm: adjourn

WCC Board: Run, or recruit, or both  🙂
April 26, 2024:
Hi All,
Over the years, many of you have volunteered with and/or attended Wallingford Community Council Meetings.  Maybe it was a few years ago, maybe it was 15, 20, or 30+ years ago.  Maybe it was the Brooks building or the Transfer Station.  Maybe it was the Wallingford Steps or the Band Stand in Meridian Park. Perhaps it was an SDOT proposal or the MHA Upzones.  Or one of the community conversations the WCC hosted with the SPD on race and policing.  Maybe you came to hear from various City Council Members and other elected officials and ask them your questions. Perhaps you joined in to get educated on how to safely pick up sharps and drug-related garbage.  Maybe it was the Tenants Rights event, or a waterway walk, or a garbage pickup walk, or a beautify Wallingford project.  Perhaps it was something else.  Whatever it was, I thank you for participating.
There are many of you throughout Wallingford who have been active on and off for as long as you have lived in the neighborhood.  Thank you for that!  Perhaps, you are ready, once again, to get involved.  We are in search of new board members for the new WCC year.  A couple of us are stepping down from the Board on May 8th, including myself, leaving several vacancies that need to be filled.  This board is a working board, made up of volunteers from within the community.  Please consider either running, or recruiting, or both.
If you or someone you know is interested in serving at the Board level, please send any “emails” of interest to me, at, on or before May 6th.
Thank you and Happy Friday, 
Miranda Berner /Wallingford Community Council, President

To get an idea of what the WCC stands for, I recommend reviewing the website.  It’s a great resource for getting an idea of the WCC, its decades of history, and where the membership tends to lean on certain topics.
As an FYI, here is what I see as of now, as the big items of interest: the Draft Comp Plan and its corresponding Draft EIS, Trees, and crime.  The WCC also continues to work with DNR (Dept. of Natural Resources) and the City to restore public access to Lake Union at Waterway 20.  There are many smaller and/or less involved activities the WCC does, as well.  It all comes down to volunteer interest and bandwidth.  🙂

NOTE: one does not need to be an official member to serve on the Board, but there is an expectation that all Board members officially join.  🙂