Nominations for the Board of Directors Election, Wednesday May 26

Reminder: Annual Meeting

The Wallingford Community Council holds its Annual Meeting and Officer Elections virtually on Wednesday May 26, 2021 at 7 PM. Our guest speaker is Representative Frank Chopp.

Report of the Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee recommends the following members for office:

  • Jenny Ring-Perez for President.
  • Miranda Berner for Vice President.
  • Mark JoHahnson for Treasurer.
  • Bonnie Williams for Board Member-At-Large.
  • Lee Raaen for Board Member-At-Large.
  • Ted Hunter for Board Member-At-Large.

At present, we are still seeking a candidate for Recording Secretary! Please email us if you would like to serve.


As a member, you may run for one of the elected officer positions. There are seven positions: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary and three Board Members-At-Large. If you would like to be a candidate, please email us. In addition, at the virtual Annual Meeting, any member may nominate any consenting member for any office during the election.