Annual Meeting and Officer Elections, Wednesday May 26

Every year for more than 50 years, the Wallingford Community Council (WCC) holds its Annual Meeting and Officer Elections in May. Because of the extraordinary circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Board of Directors had to cancel this annual tradition last year.

Now, one year later, we will host the Annual Meeting and hold our Annual Elections virtually on Wednesday May 26, 2021 at 7PM. We are still lining up our featured guest speaker, and we are also inviting our members to run for election to one of the Officer positions on the Board of Directors.

Our commitment

For the past year, we have connected with our community virtually and personally as neighbors. We have hosted our City Councilmembers Alex Pederson and Dan Strauss for community discussions as well as our Seattle School Board representatives, and directors of nonprofits that provide essential services for our unsheltered neighbors.

In our Board meetings, we have also held tough conversations about racism, diversity, equity, and inclusion, and about how to help directly and support both the people and the organizations that are helping our unsheltered neighbors.

Our membership – You!

We can and do make a difference together. As we launch another year, we invite you to participate in the upcoming election, and, if you are looking for a leadership role, we invite you to run for an elected officer position.

Eligible members – This year we are extending the eligibility to vote to all members who have joined since October 2019 and to those who join by Tuesday May 11, 2021. And, as a member, you may also run for one of the elected officer positions.

Elected Officers of the WCC board – There are seven positions: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, and three Board Members-At-Large. Please see our Bylaws, Article V – Officers, for descriptions of each position. If you would like to be nominated, please email us.

Nominations – In advance of the Annual Meeting on May 26, we will send out a notice by email 10 days before with a report of all those who have been nominated. In addition, at the virtual Annual Meeting, any member may nominate any consenting member for any office.

Elections – We will hold online elections and voting during the meeting – only members can vote. We are still investigating how this will happen online. Please let us know if you are not able to use a device to connect through the Internet, and we will see how we can accommodate your participation in the election.

It has been a long year with ups and downs and hopefully some silver linings for each of you. As we come together again in May, we ask you to bring your questions and ideas. And we are looking for volunteer support with communications, the website, and community engagement.

We thank you tremendously for participating this past year in the WCC and in the community. If you are not a current member, we invite you to become a member! Visit our Membership page to join.