Join Us for a Webinar on Homelessness, Wednesday December 2

Time: 7:00 PM
Date: Wednesday, December 2
Location: Zoom videoconferencing

We are excited to once again host a virtual monthly meeting! This will be the first of several meetings on the topic of homelessness.

Please join Marcia Wright-Soika (Executive Director of Family Works), Jerred Clouse (Executive Director of ROOTS Shelter), and the Northlake Nicklesville Tiny House Village for a virtual town hall meeting on Wallingford and homelessness.

We will explore what specific advocacy groups are doing well to support our community experiencing homelessness, and how we can most effectively engage and support those experiencing homelessness to build relationships and cultivate community.

Submit your questions in advance via email at The questions will be asked by our moderators. We will also be taking questions from attendees during the meeting.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Registration is presently limited to 100 participants. The Zoom service is available as an application for computers, as an app for iPhones or Android phones, or as a webpage in a browser. Please configure your device before the meeting to ensure your participation.