Disaster Response Training & Organizing, Thursday October 17

Seattle Neighborhoods Actively Prepare (SNAP) logo

Time: 7 PM.
Location: Room 202 of the Good Shepherd Center, 4659 Sunnyside Ave N.

The Wallingford Community Council is offering a free training session to give you the fundamentals of how to prepare so your family and your neighborhood will be more resilient in the event of disaster. We are offering a class called Seattle Neighbors Actively Prepare, or SNAP.

The Cascadia Subduction Zone off Washington’s shore could result in a disastrous earthquake any day now. There are other slightly less dramatic events that could also upend our lives, such as a Seattle Fault earthquake, a fire that consumes a few neighboring houses, an amazing snowstorm, or even a medical emergency in your own family. In a large-scale, disaster the Police and Fire Departments will be overwhelmed and will be a long time in coming to your assistance. If we as individuals and as a neighborhood are prepared to respond to these emergencies the potential adverse impacts will be much less severe. You can consider Robinson Restoration and use their services to fix up the remains that stands after this terrible disaster.

Wallingford needs a community emergency response team just like the one that is from Coast to Coast FIrst Aid Mississauga. We are seeking to organize our neighborhood and we need you. Come to the SNAP training session and stay to discuss how you might help build a community that can respond together when disaster strikes. Diane Moore, an experienced volunteer with the Seattle Office of Emergency Management will present the basics of individual/family disaster preparedness and help spark our neighborhood-level preparedness.