Design Review Board, Monday January 7, 6:30 PM

The Design Review Board for the Northeast District considers two neighborhood development projects in Room 202 of the Good Shepherd Center, 4659 Sunnyside Ave N.

  • 6:30 PM: 4106 Stone Way N (3032254). Early Design Guidance for a 5-story, 113-unit apartment building with retail. Parking for 80 vehicles proposed. Existing buildings to be demolished. Details and Design Proposal.
  • 8:00 PM: 3421 Woodland Park Ave N (3032609). Early Design Guidance for an 8-story, 123-unit apartment building and 5 live/work units. Parking for 9 vehicles is proposed. Existing buildings to be demolished. Details and Design Proposal.

The public may comment on the projects presented to the Design Review Board. Design Review considers multiple aspects of a building and site such as:

  • The overall appearance of the building.
  • How the proposed building relates to adjacent sites and the overall street frontage.
  • How the proposed building relates to unusual aspects of the site, like views or slopes.
  • Pedestrian and vehicular access to the site.
  • Quality of materials, open space, and landscaping.

For reference:
Upcoming Design Review calendar for development projects.
The Wallingford Neighborhood Design Guidelines.