Wallingford Community Council "Kite Hill" logo

Monthly & General Membership Meeting, Wednesday June 6

Monthly Meeting
Followed by General Membership Meeting
Wednesday June 6, 7 PM

Location: Room 202 of the Good Shepherd Center, 4659 Sunnyside Ave N.

Monthly Meeting Agenda:
7:00 PM – Welcome / Call to Order.
Introduction of new Board of Directors.
Special Guests:

  • TreePAC: Advocacy for an effective tree ordinance. Meeting the City’s goal to increase the tree canopy to 30% includes protecting existing trees and Seattle’s urban forests.
  • Seattle Department of Transportation: Green Lake Area Paving & Safety Projects. Project briefing by Christa Dumpys on bicycle lane and parking changes for Stone Way N, Green Lake Way N, N 50th Street, and N 40th Street.

Committee reports.
Good of the Order (anything people want to bring up).

Adjourn Monthly Meeting.

General Membership Meeting:
~8:00 PM – Discussion of outreach, inclusion, and potential Bylaw changes. A vote by the Membership is necessary to amend the Bylaws.

9:00 PM – Adjourn General Meeting.