Public Hearing Regarding Rezones to Implement Mandatory Housing Affordability (MHA) Requirements
Many parcels in Wallingford would change from Single-Family to Lowrise 1, Lowrise 2, or even Lowrise 3 zoning. Be heard and be seen to let the City Council know of your concerns!
Monday February 12, 2018, 6:00 – 7:00 PM
Eckstein Middle School (Auditorium)
3003 NE 75th Street.
For those who wish to testify, sign-up sheets will be available starting at 5:30 PM. Get in line early in case there is a crowd.
- Alter the Urban Village boundaries to spare 700 Single-Family homes from being upzoned to multi-family. The City’s affordable housing goal for our neighborhood is still met with those altered Urban Village boundaries.
- Prevent massive developments next to houses. Many of the up-zones change building heights from three stories up to five stories!
- Require setbacks and step-downs to preserve yards, trees, and daylight.
- Require on-site parking.
- Require affordable housing units to be built on-site.
- Require true family housing in all zone definitions. Add density limits back to the zone definitions so that two-, three-, and four-bedroom units are built throughout the neighborhood.
- Increase mixed-income housing development in Wallingford.
- Protect our local small businesses. Require affordable leases in new buildings.
- Require the City to track displacement of low- and middle-income residents, and small businesses.
- Impose Impact Fees now to fund schools, parks, roads, and public safety!
The hearing will focus on changes affecting District 4:
Eastlake, Fremont, Greenlake, Roosevelt, U-District, and Wallingford Urban Villages;
Bryant, Laurelhurst, Ravenna, Sand Point, View Ridge, Wedgewood, and Windermere neighborhoods.
Public Notice:
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