Map of waterways in Wallingford. Prepared by James Thompson. © Copyright 2015 Wallingford Community Council. All Rights Reserved.

Wallingford Waterways Walk, Saturday October 7

Join Us! From 3:00 to 5:00 PM. Rain or shine.

Join us on a family-friendly walk to learn about the public access points on Lake Union.

Where: Waterway 22 (at the bottom of Stone Way N). We’ll meet where the Burke-Gilman Trail intersects with Stone Way N, in the parking lot area by Solsticio just south of N 34th Street). Then about 3:15 PM, we’ll begin to work our way east toward Waterway 15 (just to the west of Ivar’s Salmon House, at NE Northlake Way and 4th Ave NE).  For those so inclined, join us after the walk for Ivar’s Happy Hour.

Why: Wallingford’s public waterways are wonderful features of our community and the Wallingford Community Council has made access to the public waterways a key action item. We hold this walk to raise awareness of where the public access points are along the Wallingford section of Lake Union. In addition, we want to improve shoreline habitats. Your input is vital.

What: We will visit each Waterway in Wallingford, generating ideas and making plans as we go. Join us and add your thoughts to the mix. Please help us to raise awareness of each Waterway by posting your photos and comments on Google Maps and other social media sites!

Can’t make it? Use the map on the Shorelines page to find the public access points on the water. Let us know that you want to get involved with waterways by contacting us or by coming to a Monthly Meeting of the Wallingford Community Council (on the first Wednesday of every month).