Wallingford Community Council "Kite Hill" logo

Monthly Meeting, Wednesday September 6

Location: Room 202 of the Good Shepherd Center, 4659 Sunnyside Ave N.

7:00 PM – Welcome / Call to Order.
Approval of Minutes.
Committee reports.
Special Guests:

  • David West, U District Alliance for Equity & Livability: Development impacts on neighborhoods surrounding the University of Washington.
  • Ruth Harper, Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT):  Findings from the parking study done in response to RPZ requests from the Wallingford Community Council (WCC).

Good of the Order (anything people want to bring up).

  • The next Monthly Meeting will be Wednesday October 4. Both mayoral candidates: Cary Moon and Jenny Durkan have been invited to speak on displacement, impact fees, parking, and many more topics.
  • Position 8 Candidate Forum with Teresa Mosqueda and Jon Grant hosted by Welcoming Wallingford. Hear from the candidates on the critical issues facing the city (including housing). There will be time for neighborhood questions.
    Thursday September 14 from 7:30-9:30 PM
    Wallingford Presbyterian Church, 1414 N 42nd Street

    Family Works will be accepting donations, particularly for hygiene products. Please bring something to donate!
  • The Roof is Now Open! As a result of a SEPA appeal by the WCC, public access to the roof of the new Tableau building at Woodlawn Avenue N & N 34th Street is open during business hours. The Entry door is located next to Cafe Acadia. If the door is locked, ask at the Tableau reception desk for the door to be unlocked.
  • Lake Union Waterways: There are public access points (Waterways 15-22) along the shores of Lake Union. Please help to raise awareness of these amazing community assets by reviewing them and posting photos on Google, Apple, and other online maps.

9:00 PM – Adjourn.