Location: Room 202 of the Good Shepherd Center, 4659 Sunnyside Ave N.
Welcome / Call to Order.
Approval of Minutes.
Nomination Committee.
Family Parade.
U-District Upzone.
Reports from Committees (if anything).
- Find It, Fix It Walk with Mayor Murray on Tuesday March 14, 5PM – 7PM. Update from Lemmis Stephens III, Program Coordinator, Seattle Neighborhoods Outreach & Engagement.
Good of the Order (anything people want to bring up)
- Yard Signs: ‘Keep Seattle Livable; No HALA “Grand Bargain” Upzones’.
- WCC Membership: Reminder to join or renew.
- WallHALA Meeting, Tuesday, March 7, 7PM Senior Center.
- Seattle Tenant Rights Bootcamp is the program for the next WCC Monthly meeting on Wednesday April 5, 7PM.
Special Notice – Community Involvement Commission:
If you wish to serve on the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods new Community Involvement Commission, the application deadline is today Wednesday March 1 by 5PM. Applications may be submitted online, by mail, or in person.