Tell City Council – send it back! (Updated)

NEW DATE: City Council will now vote Monday, October 17!

The Seattle City Council is poised to pass the Seattle 2035 Comprehensive Plan update on October 17 that will:


Don’t let them do this!  The devil is in the details.  Read about it here: Seattle 2035 List of Concerns and let all of City Council know: Don’t pass it, fix it! Rework the Seattle 2035 Comprehensive Plan!

Please CALL, WRITE, and VISIT all nine city council members now and demand no action on the proposed Seattle 2035 Comprehensive Plan until it is amended to include:

  • Requirements for neighborhood outreach & involvement
  • Development of adequate transportation, parks & open space, schools, and utilities concurrent with increased residential density
  • Protections & preservation of existing trees
  • Parking requirements for new development
  • Stable urban village boundaries
  • Protections & preservation of Single Family Zoning

Tell City Council that you want infrastructure investment to be concurrent with growth. We want to grow a livable city.  Tell City Council Do Not Pass the Seattle 2035 Comprehensive Plan in its current form.  Send it Back!

  • Please CALL, WRITE, and VISIT City Council Members before October 17!
  • Please attend the full City Council Meeting at City Hall and comment in person – Monday, October 17, 2:00 PM.
  • Please share with your friends, neighbors, and social networks.

The Mayor’s proposed comprehensive plan, Seattle 2035, takes away your influence concerning what gets built in your neighborhood.  It removes neighborhood design guidelines.  It expands urban village boundaries based on something as variable as bus service.  It takes decision-making from the neighborhoods and gives it to a director downtown in City Hall.  Seattle 2035 impacts your neighborhood, but silences your voice, for the next twenty years!

The Mayor’s plan removes tree protections, green space ratios, and space between buildings.  Instead, the plan should make the city greener, by promoting green space, trees, solar, bio-swales, green roofs, etc.   All residents deserve access to greenspace and daylight in their homes.

Growth doesn’t need to be ugly.  Seattle can grow in a manner that increases the housing stock, limits displacement of residents & businesses, and provides ALL RESIDENTS with a beautiful livable Emerald City, regardless of whether they live in an apartment, a townhouse, or a house. Don’t pass it, Fix it!

Contact Your City Council now.

For more information on the Seattle 2035 Comprehensive Plan, we recommend: