Planning, Land Use & Zoning Committee meeting (August 2)

On Tuesday, August 2nd, 9:30 AM, the Planning, Land Use & Zoning (PLUZ) Committee will discuss the proposed Mandatory Housing Affordability – Residential (MHA-R) framework legislation including amendments by Councilmember Lisa Herbold to address the displacement of low-cost housing. The committee may then vote on the amendments and on the MHA-R program.

This is the preliminary legislation that would move us one step closer to the HALA upzones in Urban Village areas. For more information see: Grand Bargain? Grand Con!

Please take a moment and send an e-mail in support of Councilmember Herbold’s amendments to address displacement to all council members:;;;;;;;;;

And please submit your comments to Mayor Murray:

Feel free to send a version of this suggested comment:

Dear Councilmembers,

I strongly agree with Councilmember Lisa Herbold’s proposed amendments that address displacement as a result of the Mandatory Housing Affordability – Residential (MHA-R) program.  If MHA-R is truly meant to promote housing affordability (and not just developer profits), robust mandatory strategies to track displacement and prevent homelessness must be included.

Councilmember Herbold is expected to present the following amendments at the July 19th Planning, Land Use and Zoning Committee meeting:

  1. The Council intends to consider whether to include higher performance and payment amounts for those areas that have been identified as having a high displacement risk and high access to opportunity in Seattle 2035, Growth and Equity, Analyzing Impacts on Displacement and Opportunity Related to Seattle’s Growth Strategy, May 2016.  For these areas, the Council will consider whether, subject to statutory limits, performance and payment amounts should be established that result in a total number of new affordable units that meet minimum program parameters contemplated by the July 13, 2015, Statement of Intent for Basic Framework for Mandatory Inclusionary Housing and Commercial Linkage Fee plus a number of units equal to those affordable units identified through planning processes as being at risk of displacement.
  2. If a rental unit is provided through the performance option and it is converted to a condominium, the tenant should be offered the option to purchase the unit as an affordable homeownership option.
  3. Additional language to promote permanent affordability of homeownership units developed with MHA-R funds.

I urge you to support these important amendments to prevent displacement, and to implement mandatory mechanisms to track and prevent the displacement of low-income, elderly, and at-risk residents.  Please take the time to properly consider all the unintended consequences of MHA-R as currently written.