Seattle Design Review Survey due April 8: Your Input Matters!

The Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections (DCI) is proposing changes to the design review process that are designed to “streamline” approval of new developments inside and outside urban villages.  These changes have the potential to negatively affect the look, feel, and livability of Wallingford.

Some of the proposed changes that impact our neighborhood include:

  • Developments on properties of less than 10,000 square feet would be exempt from any design review.  In the past 2 years, 29% of projects fell into this category.
  • Developments up to 20,000 square feet will be approved administratively with no Design Review Board meetings.
  • Developments inside urban villages up to half a block in size would only require a single Design Review Board meeting.
  • Developments of any size, whether inside or outside of urban villages, would only require a single Design Review Board meeting as long as they are considered to be “Deep Green”.

Please submit your comments to DCI by completing their survey:
The comment period ends April 8.

Please also comment by email to the City Council:;;;;;;;;

And please submit your comments to Mayor Murray:

Feel free to send a version of this suggested comment:

I oppose the proposal by the Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections to eliminate design review for developments under 10,000 square feet inside urban villages. I live in Wallingford and I believe this, combined with the proposed HALA upzone from single-family to low-rise multifamily zoning, will lead to an unchecked and un-reviewed redevelopment frenzy in my neighborhood.

When combined with the HALA upzone, this rule change will allow 40+ foot tall, zero-lot-line developments to appear next to single-family homes without any kind of notice, review, or public hearing. This type of development will negatively impact the livability of the area, along with the value of our homes.  The community has a right to participate in the approval process. I ask that you prevent these rule changes from occurring.

Read more about the proposed changes here: