Vince Lyons
Long time Wallingford resident and neighborhood advocate Vince Lyons died on October 29th at the age of 72 from cancer. Obituaries can be found in the Seattle Times and theDaily Journal of Commerce.
Vince worked as an urban planner for 40 years. He was manager of the Design Review program for the Seattle Department of Construction and Land Use (DCLU), now the Department of Planning and Development (DPD), for 29 years.
Vince was an active member of the Wallingford Community Council and served as its President in 1988 and 1989. He was instrumental in turning Interlake School into Wallingford Center, and he provided the guiding vision for the Wallingford Steps pathway to Gas Works Park.
The memorial service is from 2:00 to 4:00 PM on Saturday November 14 at Wallingford United Methodist Church, 2115 N 42nd Street. Here are details from Greg Lyons, Vince’s son:
Hello All,
Greg here (Vince’s son)- writing from Vince’s account to ensure you know about his memorial service. It will be held a week from today, Saturday 11/14, 2pm-4pm at the Wallingford United Methodist Church. After the service we’ll have some food, coffee and soft drinks. Perhaps mosey to Murphy’s Pub on 45th Street after for whoever would like to do so.
Hope you can join us, please RSVP by reply e-mail [vince715@gmail.com]. If you know someone else you want to forward to that should see this, please do so – I’ve surely missed MANY dear friends who’s e-mails weren’t saved in Dad’s g-mail contact list.
Feel free to bring a photo or item that reminds you of Vince to display on tales we’ll have set up – you can retrieve when you go.
Thank you,